Taking a close look at what can’t normally be seen is very illuminating, and in marketing, the unseen is primarily competitors’ customers. In the following article we describe a simple approach to create a view of this Negative Space in order to find sales opportunities with competitors’ customers.
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Too often companies become mired in business as usual and fail to truly understand customer needs. At best this leads to slow growth and average profitability, but it can threaten a company’s survival. The following case study shows how to develop a customer-centric strategy and get back on track for sales and profit growth.
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Key accounts represent an increasing share of the market and are becoming more demanding. Many companies create some form of a key account program, but it is usually reactive and often disjointed. Read about our ideas on how to develop more effective key account programs and “win” in the market place.
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Lots of buzz about Amazon (and other e–tailers) entering industrial markets, but what does it really mean for your business?
Could be a threat or maybe an opportunity. And how serious a threat?
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